Python Tools

PSCF is distributed with a set of Python modules that can be used to simplify common data analysis and job preparation tasks. All of these modules are part of a Python package named pscf. These Python modules are located within the source code repository in a subdirectory named tools/python/pscf of the git repository directory (e.g., of pscf/git).


The most important of these python modules are a set of modules that can read and write several of the file formats used by PSCF. Each of these modules is a file that contains the definition of a single class, in which the name of the class is a a capitalized version of the name of the file or module. The names of these main modules and the classes they contain are as follows:

Module Class Description
paramfile ParamFile Reads and stores contents of a parameter file
fieldfile FieldFile Reads and stores a symmetry-adapted field file
outfile OutFile Reads and stores a output summary file
sweep Sweep Reads and stores summary files produced by a sweep

The constructor for each of these classes takes the path to a file or (for the Sweep class) of a directory as an argument. The constructor for each class immediately reads a specified file or (for the Sweep class) a set of files, and then constructs a a Python object that then contains all of the data contain in the that file or set of files. The values of each named variable or (for field files) array of values that are read from file is stored in a corresponding attribute (member data variable) of the associated Python object. If the name of a parameter or variable is identified by a label in the file format, then the name of the attribute that holds the value of that variable is always the same as the label used in the file format.

The the constructors of the ParamFile, OutFile and FieldFile each parse a particular file format. Each of these three classes also has a method (member function) named “write”. The write function writes the current contents of the object to an output file using the same file format as that read by the constructor, thus creating a file that can be read by PSCF.

The constructor and write function for each of these classes thus provide a basis for modifying files of the associated type. To modify an existing file, one must use the constructor to read that file and create an associated object, modify the ojbect by using Python commands to assign new values to the attributes that hold the values of one or more variables, and then write the modified object to a file. The write operation could either write to a new file, in order to create a modified version, or could overwrite the original file.

The FieldFile class provides some specialized functions to carry out common manipulations on entire lists of Fourier coefficients. These include operations that add a new column to an array of coefficients, corresponding to a new monomer, and to switch the values of coefficients associated with two monomers. These sorts of operations are sometimes needed when manipulating existing omega files in order to provide input files suitable for a related system, such as modifying a solution obtained previously for a AB diblock copolymer in order to provide a starting point for a series of simulations of an ABC triblock copolymer.

The Sweep class is somewhat different than the ParamFile, OutFile, and FieldFile classes, in that a Sweep reads and stores the contents of a sequence of output files, rather than a single file. The constructor for the Sweep class reads in all of the numbered output summary files that are produced by a PSCF “SWEEP” command and stores the contents of these files as a Python list of OutFile objects. This provides a convenient basis for analyzing the results of a sweep, by looping over output files produced by different simulations and outputting values of selected variables (e.g., free energies) in a compact form suitable for plotting and/or further analysis.

To use any of these modules, one must first open a python interpreter, import the relevant class, and then construct an object of the desired type by passing the constructor the name of the file or directory of interest. This pattern is demonstrated in each of the examples given below.

Python Environment

To use the pscf python package, Python obviously must be installed on your computer. Because Python is also required to install PSCF from source, instructions for how to check whether Python is installed (it usually is) or install it if necessary are given in the documentation regarding Compiling from source, using cmake.

After PSCF is installed, whether it is installed using a binary installer or after compiling from source, copies of all associated python modules are placed in a directory:


where $(INSTALL_DIR) is a place holder for the actual absolute path to the root of the installation directory tree. This pscf/ subdirectory must be included in the PYTHONPATH environment variable in order for the Python interpreter to find and use these modules. This can be accomplished by running script $(INSTALL)/bin/pscf-env, as discussed in more detail in the discussion of Modifying Search Paths.

After running the pscf-env script, to confirm that the $PYTHONPATH is set up correctly, type:


This will cause a string to be printed to the terminal that should include the absolute path of the relevant directory, either by itself or as part of a colon separated list of directories.


In the following example, we use class ParamFile to construct an object that contains the contents of a single parameter input file named ‘param’ in the current directory, and print values of the parameter N_monomer (the number of monomer types) and the volume fraction of the first chain species. To do this, one could type the following:

> python
python> from pscf.outfile import ParamFile
python> param = ParamFile('param')
python> print out.N_monomer
python> print out.phi_chain[0]
python> quit()

It is safe to try running this example on any of the examples input files that are provided for PSCF - these commands do not not modify any input files. If import statement produce an error indicating that python interpreter cannot find module pscf.outfile, this indicates indicates that the PYTHONPATH environment is not yet set correctly.

The first line in the above example opens an interactive python interpreter, which is closed by the last line. The second line imports the class OutFile from module (or file) outfile of package pscf. The third line constructs an object named “out” of class OutFile. This object then contains the contents of the file whose name (“param”) is passed as an argument to OutFile constructor function. In python, like in C++ or Java, a constructor function is invoked by using the name of the class as a function. The constructor for an OutFile takes a single file name as an argument.

After the constructor is called, object “out” contains the values of all of the variables stored in the file “param”. This is demonstrated by the 4th and 5th line of the above example, which simply print the values of two variables, N_monomer and phi_chain[0], to the terminal. The value of any labelled parameter in the original file is stored in an attribute (or member variable) whose name is the same as the name of the label associated with the parameter in the associated file.

Some parameters, such as phi_chain, are stored in PSCF in one-dimensional arrays in which different elements refer to e.g., different molecular species. All such array-valued parameters are stored in the associated python object as python lists. Individual elements of a python list can be accessed using a subscript notation identical to that used to access elements of an arrays in C, using indices that are numbered consecutively from 0. This is demonstated by the 5th line of the above example, in which we use the symbol ‘out.phi_chain[0]’ to access the value of the volume fraction of the first (index 0) polymer species.

Note: All pscf python modules use the C/Python convention in which C array and python list indices are numbered consecutively from zero. Because PSCF itself is written in Fortran, it instead uses the Fortran convention in which indices start from 1. One consequence of this is that, for example, data associated with the second of two or more monomer types is associated with a list index of 1 in all python objects, but is labelled by an integer “2” throughout the source code of PSCF. This means, for example, that values of the block_monomer array in the PSCF input parameter file, which uses the Fortran convention to assign monomer type label values, uses index values defined using the fortran convention, in which an index “2” refers to the second monomer type. Users need to be aware of this difference and correct for it as necessary when using the python modules.


Output summary files can be parsed, modified and output using a syntax essentially identical to that used for parameter files. In the following simple example, we read an output summary file in the working directory named ‘out’, and then print out the values of f_Helmholtz, the free energy per monomer, and mu_chain[0], the chemical potential of the first chain species:

> python
python> from pscf.outfile import ParamFile
python> out = ParamFile('out')
python> print out.f_Helmholtz
python> print out.mu_chain[0]
python> quit()

Because the first part of an output summary file has the same syntax as an input parameter file, an output summary file from one simulation can be used as a starting point for creating a parameter file for a related system. This can be done either by manually editing and copying the output file, or by using python to read the file, modify the values of a few parameters and write the contents of the modified object to a new file.

One advantage of using an output from one simulation to create an input for another is that the parameter file section of an output file is not exact copy of the parameter file used to run the simulation, and may contain final converged values of parameters for which initial guesses are provided in the input file but then modified by the iteration algorithm. Specifically, the output file for a simulation that is performed with a deformable unit cell will contain the final values of the unit cell parameters.


A FieldFile object holds all of the information stored in the symmetry-adapated field file format. This includes the values of the coefficients of all basis functions in the symmetry-adapted Fourier expansion of the field associated with each monomer type. The Field file can be used to read and manipulate either rho (volume fraction) or omega (chemical potential) files, which use the same file format.

A Field object is constructed using a syntax similiar to that for a ParamFile or OutFile object. To create an object named “omega” that contains the contents of a field file named “omega”, one would enter:

> python
python> from pscf.fieldfile import FieldFile
python> omega = FieldFile('omega')


A symmetry-adapted field file contains a header with labelled parameters followed by a data section. The value of each of the parameters that appears in the header is stored in an attribute with a name given by the parameter label in the corresponding file, as for parameters in a parameter file or an output summary file.

The data section of a field file contains columns of numbers that represent coefficients of different basis functions in a symmetry adapted Fourier expansion. The contents of the data section are stored in three attributes named “fields”, “waves” and “counts”, as discussed below.

The “fields” attribute is a list of lists of Fourier coefficients. Each element of list fields is a list that contains of the Fourier coefficients for one monomer type. Thus, for example, if omega is a Field object, omega.fields[0] is a list that contains the coefficients given in the first column of the data section of the associated file, which defines the field associated with the first monomer type. The item fields[1][13] is a real number that is equal to the coefficient of basis function 13 (the 14th basis function, with indices numbered from 0) of the field associated with monomer type number 1 (i.e., the 2nd monomer type).

The “waves” attribute of a Field object is a list in which each element contains a list of 1, 2, or 3 integer Miller indices for a wavevector characteristic of the associated basis function. The number of indices is equal to the dimension of space (i.e., the number of directions in which the structure is periodic). These indices identify one of the wavevectors that is used to construct the the basis function, and acts as an identifier for the basis function. Thus, for example, for the gyroid phase, the second basis function, with index 1, is associated with the {211} family of plane waves. In this case, the value of waves[1] is a list of 3 integers, waves[1] == [2, 1, 1], that identifies the basis function constructed from this family (or “star”) of wavevectors.

The attribute “counts” contains the integers given in the last column of the data section of a field file. Each of these integers gives the number of wavevectors in a “star” of symmetry related wavevectors that is associated with the corresponding basis function. Thus for example, in a file for a gyroid phase, with space group “I a -3 d”, for which waves[1] = [2, 1, 1], count[1] == 24, because there are 24 wavevectors in the {211} family of wavevectors of a cubic crystal.

In the following example, we open and read a chemical potential field file named ‘omega’ in the current directory, print the list of Miller indices that identifies basis function number 1 (the second basis function), and print the value of the coefficient of this basis function in the expansion of the chemical potential field for monomer type number 0:

> python
python> from pscf.fieldfile import FieldFile
python> omega = FieldFile('omega')
python> print omega.waves[1]
python> print omega.fields[0][1]


The Sweep class is a container that holds all of the data given in the set of number output summary files produced by a PSCF SWEEP command.

The SWEEP command performs a sequence of SCFT calculations along a line in parameter space. This command produces a set of output files for each of the resulting points in parameter space, with file names that begin with an integer index. The resulting output summary files have names of the form <output_prefix>i.out, where <output_prefix> denotes the output_prefix string parameter given in the input parameter file, and where i is an integer index. The index i has values in the range [0, s_max], where s_max is the maximum value given in the parameter file. Typically, the string output_prefix is taken to be the name of a directory including a trailing backslash (/) directory separator, such as “out/”. In this case, the SWEEP produces a series of output summary files in the specified directory with names 0.out, 1.out, 2.out, etc.

The constructor for a Sweep object assumes that the SWEEP command was run using a directory name with a trailing slash as an output_prefix, and that the output directory thus contains a sequence of files with names 0.out, 1.out etc. The constructor takes the name of the directory (with no trailing slash) as an argument, and reads any such sequence of such numbered output summary files that it finds in that directory. If it finds such a sequence of files, it creates a python list of OutFile objects, each of which contains the contents of a single corresponding output summary file. Each of the resulting Outfile objects can be accessed by applying the subscript [] operator directly to the Sweep object, thus emulating the syntax of a Python list. Thus, if x is a Sweep object, x[8] is an OutFile object containing the contents of the file named 8.out in the directory that was named in the Sweep constructor. The number of OutFile objects in Sweep object named x is returned by the operator len(x), as for a list.

The following example illustrates the syntax for creating a Sweep object and printing the value of a particular variable in a particular simulation:

> python
python> from pscf.sweep import Sweep
python> x = Sweep('.')
python> print len(x)
python> print x[8].f_Helmholtz

In this example, we assume that the python interpreter was run from the directory containing a set of output summary files named 0.out, 1.out etc. The third line of this example thus reads all of the output files in the working directory. This is indicated here by the unix shorthand ‘.’ for the current directory, which is passed as an argument to the Sweep constructor. The fourth line prints the number of output summary files found in that directory. The fifth line prints the value of the variable f_Helmholtz read from the file 8.out.

Users can aalso iterate over the list of OutFile objects contained in a Sweep object in order to output or manipulate lists showing how selected variables change within the sequence of calculations. This is shown in the following example:

> python
python> from pscf.sweep import Sweep
python> x = Sweep('.')
python> print len(x)
python> file = open('free_energy','w')
python> for outfile in x:
    ***     line = str(outfile.block_length[0][1]) + '  '
    ***     line += str(outfile.f_Helmholtz)
    ***     print line
    ***     file.write(line + "\n")
python> file.close()

The fifth line of this example uses the Python open() function to open a new file named ‘free_energy’ for writing (mode = ‘w’). The for loop produces a sequence of text lines containing two columns of numbers, in which the first column contains values of the length block_length[0][1] of the second (index 1) block of the first (index 0) chain species, while the second column contains the value of f_Helmholtz, which is the Helmholtz free energy per monomer normalized by kT, and each line contains values from a different output summary file. In this example, each line of this output is both printed to the screen and written to a file named free_energy. The penultimate line closes the file before closing the python interpreter.

The type of operation given above, which produces a string of containing two columns of numbers, is commonly needed to summarize information about a sweep. The Sweep class thus provides a method named write() that is designed to simplify this operation. The write function takes two arguments, named expr1 and expr2, each of which is literal string containing a mathematical expression written using the names of attributes as variable names. It returns a string containing two columns of numbers, in which each value in the first column is obtaining by evaluating expression expr1 and each value is obtained by evaluating expr2, and in which each row represents a pair of values obtained from a different simulation. The above example could also be expressed using the write method as:

> python
python> from pscf.sweep import Sweep
python> sweep = Sweep('.')
python> text = sweep.write('block_length[0][1]','f_Helmholtz')
python> print text
python> file = open('free_energy','w')
python> file.write(text)
python> file.close()
python> quit()

Each of the arguments of the write functions are text strings that are interpreted as mathematical expressions in which the names of parameters or elements within array-valued parameters are used as variable names. In the simple example given above, these strings were simply the names of individual variables or array elements. One can, however, instead pass this function string representations of less trivial mathematical expressions. For example, the satement

text = sweep.write(‘2.0*block_length[0][1]’, ‘f_Helmholtz - f_homo’)

would produce a string containing the contents of a two-column data file in which each value in the first column is twice the length of the 2nd block of the first chain species, and in which each value in the second column is the difference between the free energy per monomer in the converged structure and that of a hypothetical homogeneous mixture of the same set of molecules with the same overall composition.