Compiling from source, using cmake


In this page, we discuss instructions for how to compile PSCF from source using the cmake build system, on either Mac OS X or linux operating systems. It is also possible to compile the code using the unix make utility alone, using a makefile that is provided with the source code. Compilation using make alone is described on a separate page on Compiling from source, using make. The advantage of using cmake is that cmake can generally find the paths to the Lapack and FFTW libraries upon which PSCF depends, whereas you are more likely to need to figure out the locations of these libraries yourself if you use make.

Compiling with cmake involves the following steps:

Each of these steps is explained in greater detail below.

Only the first step, installing external dependencies, is substantially different for different operating systems. We thus give separate instructions for Mac OS and different Linux distributions for this part of the process.

To obtain a copy of the source code from the github repository in which it is stored, one can either:

  • Download a zip file
  • Use the git version control software to clone the repository

We recommend using git to clone the repository, since this makes it simple to update the code later, but both procedures are described below.

Installing Dependencies

The following software packages must be installed before using cmake to compile PSCF, if you plan on using git to obtain the source code:

  • git (in order to clone the source code)
  • cmake (to build a makefile)
  • a Fortran 90 compiler (to compile the source code)
  • Python (used by the build system)
  • LAPACK linear algebra library
  • FFTW version 3.x fast fourier transform library

You do not need to install git if you plan to simply download a copy of the source code rather than using git. On a Mac, some of the above packages come bundled with the XCode development environment, which must in any case be installed before you try to compile software from source on Mac OS X. Python is included with all common linux distributions, and is also bundled with recent versions of Mac OS X.

In what follows, we will assume that you plan to use free gfortran Fortran compiler, which is part of the Gnu Compiler Collection (gcc) suite of compilers, and give instructions for installing this fortran compiler. This fortran compiler does not come bundled with any of the operating systems discussed here.

Mac OS X

Installing XCode

To create an environment in which you can compile from source on OSX, you will generally first need to install the apple XCode development environment. XCode is available gratis from the Apple app store. It is a large package that can take a long time to install, so do this with a good internet connection. The XCode package contains git, so it is not necessary to install git separately on a Mac. The Mac OS X operating system also appears to come with a version of LAPACK, and the BLAS library upon which it depends. Neither the operating system nor XCode provide cmake, gfortran, or FFTW.

Checking for Python

A Python interpreter is included in recent versions of Mac OS X. To check if Python is already installed, enter the command:

> which python


> which python2.7

from a unix terminal window. If the system responds to either of these commands by writing a location for a python executable file to the terminal, then Python is already installed. If nothing is written to the terminal in response, then either Python is not installed or the operating system doesn’t know where to find it. Instructions for installing python, if necessary, are given below.

Package Managers: HomeBrew vs. MacPorts

The remaining dependencies (cmake, gfortran and FFTW) can be most easily installed using either the MacPorts or Homebrew package manager systems. These are both systems for managing open-source unix software on the unix subsystem of the Mac OSX. The choice between these package managers is up to you, but you should avoid using both on the same machine. If either Homebrew or MacPorts is already installed and in use on your Mac, use the existing system, and do not install the other, because they do not play well together. If neither Homebrew or MacPorts is installed, we have a slight preference for Homebrew, which we find makes it slightly easier to install the dependencies required by PSCF. We have succeeded in building PSCF using both of these package managers on machines that are running the latest version of Mac OS X (El Capitan, X 10.11), using different package managers on different machines. Instructions for both package managers are given separately below.

Installing dependencies via Homebrew

To install from a command line terminal using homebrew:

> brew install cmake
> brew install gcc --with-fortran
> brew install fftw --with-fortran

If you need to install python (which is unlikely), enter:

> brew install python

Installing dependencies via Macports

After MacPorts is installed, to install the required dependencies using the most recent version of the gnu compiler collection (gcc), which is gcc 5.X at the time of writing, enter:

> sudo port install cmake
> sudo port install gcc5
> sudo port install fftw-3 +gfortran

If python is required, enter:

> sudo port install python27

Note that MacPorts (unlike homebrew) requires you to use “sudo” to execute installation with superuser/administrator privileges, and so will ask for a password after each of the above commands.

The gcc5 MacPorts package installs the gfortran Fortran 90 compiler executable at /opt/local/bin/gfortran-mp-5 . Versions compiled with earlier versions of gcc (e.g., 4.9) seem to be placed in the same directory with a different numerical suffix, e.g., gfortran-mp-49. CMake appears to be unable to find this compiler executable without help. To remedy this, you should set the FC environment variable (which indicates the path to a Fortran compiler) to point to the absolute path to the gfortran executable before attempting to compile, by entering, for example:

> FC=/opt/local/bin/gfortran-mp-5
> export FC

If expect to compile this and other fortran programs repeatedly, you may want to put this in your .profile or .bashrc bash configuration file.

Ubuntu Linux

Use the Ubuntu software manager or the command line apt-get utility to install the following packages:

  • git
  • cmake
  • gfortran
  • libfftw3-dev
  • liblapack3

To use apt-get from the command line, enter:

> sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get install git
> sudo apt-get install cmake
> sudo apt-get install gfortran
> sudo apt-get install libfftw3-dev
> sudo apt-get install liblapack3

Fedora Linux

Instructions for Fedora are similar to those for Ubuntu, except that one should use the native yum command line package manager or the Fedora graphical software manager to install dependencies. The required Fedora packages are:

  • git
  • cmake
  • gcc-gfortran
  • lapack-devel
  • fftw-devel

To install these packages from the command line, enter:

> sudo yum install git-all
> sudo yum install cmake
> sudo yum install gcc-gfortran
> sudo yum install lapack-devel
> sudo yum install fftw-devel

For Fedora 22 and later, you may use the command “dnf” rather than “yum” to use the an updated version of the yum package manager. To do so, simply replace “yum” by “dnf” in each of the above commands.

Using Linux Modules

Many large multi-user computer clusters use linux modules to allow users to load software packages that they require, chosen from among a list of available modules. The following instructions describe how to load the required modules to build PSCF in a user directory on the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute (MSI) Mesabi computer, using linux modules and the Intel compiler. Similar instructions should apply to other large clusters that use linux modules.

To load the required modules on Mesabi at MSI, and also choose the Intel compiler, enter:

> module load cmake
> module load intel mkl
> module load fftw

The remaining instruction for how to obtain and compile the source code are generally similar to thos given for OSX or Linux. The only difference is that, to use the Intel compiler, one must tell cmake to use the Intel compiler by adding the option “-DUSE_INTEL=1” to the cmake command. The required command is thus:

> cmake -DUSE_INTEL=1 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install ../pscf

More generally, to use the Intel fortran compiler on any operating system (when available), use the “-D” option to define USE_INTEL=1 to instruct cmake search for an Intel compiler rather than using gnu fortran.

Obtaining the Source Code

We assume in what follows that you will use cmake to perform an “out-of-source” build, in which all of the files generated during compilation are placed in a directory tree outside the source code tree. To begin, we recommend that you create a directory named pscf/ somewhere in your user directory tree, and then create a subdirectory of pscf/ named named cmake/. To do this, enter:

mkdir pscf
cd pscf
mkdir cmake

The directory named pscf/cmake/ will be used as the build directory. The source code will be placed in another subdirectory of pscf/, which we will call git/ to indicate that it contains the contents of the git repository that contains the source code.

The source code for pscf is stored in a repository on the server, at:

A copy of the source code may be obtained either, by:

  • Downloading a zip file, or
  • Using git to clone the source code.

To download a zip file:

  • Point your browser at the pscf github repository.

  • Click the “Download ZIP” button near the upper right corner of that web page. On Mac OS X and most linux systems, this will create a subdirectory named pscf-master within your Downloads folder or directory.

  • Move the pscf-master/ directory into the pscf/ directory that you just created.

  • Rename the pscf/pscf-master/ directory as git/, by changing directory to pscf and then entering:

    mv pscf-master git

To use git to clone the repository, after git is installed on your machine:

  • Change directory to the pscf directory.

  • Clone the repository, by entering:

    git clone
  • This should create a subdirectory of pscf/ that is also named pscf/. To avoid confusion, we recommend that you change the subdirectory name to pscf/git/, exactly as described above for the case of a directory created from a zip file.

At this point, by either method, you should have pscf/ directory structure:


in which the cmake/ subdirectory is empty and the git/ subdirectory contains the contents of github repository, including the source code.

Compiling and Installing

Choose an Install Directory

After installing all dependencies and obtaining the source code, you are ready to compile PSCF. Before compiling the code, you need to decide where you would like to install the pscf executable, along with several other executable scripts and python files. The build system created by cmake will install these files in subdirectories of a directory that we will refer to as the install directory. You can specify the location of the install directory by an option on the command line of the “cmake” command, as discussed in more detail below.

After installation, the install directory (denoted by install/ below) will contain the following three subdirectories:


After installation, the bin/ subdirectory will contain the pscf executable and other executable files, the lib/ subdirectory will contain python modules and matlab files and the share/ directory will contain several text files containing information about the program.

We recommend that you choose one of the three following three possible locations for the install directory for pscf:

  • The pscf/ directory that contains the cmake/ and git/ subdirectories.
  • A standard location for installing software within your user directory.
  • The system-wide /usr/local directory.

If you choose to install software within a standard location within your user directory, one common choice for this is a hidden directory of your home directory named “.local” .

One advantage of the first two options listed above is that both install all executable files within your user directory, and thus do not require adminstrative privileges. This also makes it somewhat easier for you to see what files you have installed (since these files are not placed in directories containing many files associated with other applications), and remove them if you ever desire. The further administrative advantage of the first option, of installing executables within the pscf/ directory that also contains the source code, is that it keeps all of the files associated with PSCF in a single directory tree within the user directory.

The main disadvantage of both the first and second options is that, because both install files within your user directory, they will both require you to modify some operating system environment variables in order to allow the operating system to find the PSCF executable and to allow the python intepreter to find python modules that are provided to faciliitate data analysis. Instructions for modifying the relevant environment variables, if necessary, are given below.

The advantage of installing in /usr/local is that, because this puts executables in a standard location, the operating system should be able to automatically find the pscf executable. If you are not an experienced unix programmer, we recommend that you install in a user directory (either the pscf/ tree or the user .local directory) rather than in /usr/local.

Invoke cmake

The first step of compiling with cmake is to invoke the cmake command in order to construct a set of makefiles that contain instructions for building the system. To begin, change directory (cd) to the pscf/cmake/ directory. Then make sure the cmake/ directory is empty, and remove any contents if necessary. From there, enter:

> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install ../git

In this command, the string “/path/to/install” denotes the path to the root of the install directory. The last argument, “../git”, is the relative path to your copy of the source code repository, in pscf/git, from the pscf/cmake directory.

To install within in the pscf/ directory tree, you would enter cd to pscf/cmake and then:

> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=..  ../git

Here, “..” represents the pscf/ directory, which is the parent of the pscf/cmake directory from which the command is issued. This will cause the later creation of bin/, lib/ and share/ subdirectories of the pscf/ directory alongside the cmake/ and git/ repository. This method thus creates a directory structure:


in which all of the files associated with pscf (including source and executable files) are placed in a single directory tree with the users home directory tree.

To install in the .local subdirectory of your home directory, instead enter:

> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/.local  ../git

in which the tilde (~) is linux shortand for the users home directory.

Finally, to install in the /usr/local directory, you need adminstrator privileges on your machine, and would enter:

> cmake ../git

No “-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=” option is required in this case because /usr/local is the default installation used by cmake if no alternative is specified.

Invoke make

The cmake command described above should create several subdirectories of the pscf/cmake/ directory, which contain makefiles with instructions for building pscf. To actually compile and install the program, simply enter:

> make -j4
> make install

from the pscf/cmake directory. The “-j4” option simply instructs the make utility to use up to 4 processor cores to compile, if available, to speed up compilation. It is not required. The first “make” command compiles the code and places all the files generated by compilation in the pscf/cmake directory. The “make install” command then installs the executable and other files files in the bin/, lib/ and share/ subdirectories of the chosen installation directory.

After the “make install” finishes execution, check that your chosen install directory contains subdirectories named bin/, lib/ and share/, and that the the bin/ subdirectory contains an executable file named pscf, along with several executable scripts whose names begin with the suffix “pscf-…”. One of these should be a bash script named “pscf-env”.

If you install in the /usr/local directory, you will need to have administrator privileges on the your computer, and will need to use the “sudo” command to run “make install” as the “super-user”, by entering:

> sudo make install

In this case, you will be prompted for your password.

Modifying Search Paths

If you install pscf in a directory within your home directory tree, you may need to modify a few environment variables to allow the operating system to find the pscf program when it is invoked from the command line by name, and to allow the python interpreter to find some associated python modules that are useful for data analysis.

Changing Paths

The simplest way to make the required changes to your user environment is to cd to bin/ subdirectory of the root install directory and, from there, enter:

source ./pscf-env

This will run a script that is installed by PSCF, which adds the appropriate paths to your PATH and PYTHONPATH environment variables.

Alternatively, to make the required changes manually, you could simply enter the commands:


where “install” denotes an absolute path to the root installation directory that you chose when compiling.

If you installed pscf on Mac OS X using the .dmg installer, the root install directory (the directory that contains the relevant bin/ and lib/ subdirectories) is the directory:


In this case, to run the pscf-env script, you must either cd to the bin subirectory of that directory, or use the following command using the absolute path:

source /Applications/

If you installed pscf using a .deb or .rpm binary installer on linux, the root install directory is /usr/local and the path to the pscf-env script is /usr/local/bin/pscf-env.

Making Changes Permanent

The above procedures (running pscf-env script or manually setting the relevant environment variables) only modifies the $PATH and $PYTHONPATH variables temporarily, until you close the terminal window or log out. To have the appropriate directories added to these environment variables automatically whenever you log in or open a terminal, simply add the command:

source install/bin/pscf-env

to the .bashrc file or (on Mac OS X) .profile configuration file in your home directory. Here, the string “install/” is a placeholder for the absolute path to the pscf install directory.

Configuration files: Linux vs. Mac OS X

On linux, after a user logs in, the operating system looks for a file in the user directory named .profile or .bash_profile (in that order) and executes the first of these files that finds, if any. When you open a new interactive shell that is not a login shell, e.g., by opening a new termiinal, it instead looks for and (if it exists) executes a file named .bashrc in the users home directory. To make sure that the modifications of the environment are applied to both login and non-login terminals, the .bashrc file is normally executed by the .profile or .bash_profile file, by a command such as:

if [ -f "${HOME}/.bashrc" ]; then
    source "${HOME}/.bashrc"

This part of the .profile or .bash_profile file checks if there is a .bashrc file in the users home directory and, if one is found, executes that file. With this configuration, commands that set up environment variables should be added to the .bashrc file.

On Mac OS X, the Mac Terminal program instead executes the .profile script whenever you open a terminal, rather than using different files for login and non-login terminals. The Mac Terminal program thus thus does not ever directly execute the .bashrc file. A Mac user that always uses the Mac Terminal program could thus either use the procedure described above (which would still work correctly), or simply place all commands that customize the user environment into the .profile script.